Ok so when I was a child, I would hold up a newspaper everyday and read aloud, pretending that I was a newscaster. It was who I wanted to be when I grew up. Of course when you actually do grow up, many up of us just go with the flow. We kind of fall into the mould and go where we think we can make a descent living. As it stands, based on a recent study, only 6% of us achieve our childhood dreams.
I kind of fell into my early career and liked it enough to stay in it for 10 years. I moved on from that one and have been in a new one for about three years.
But I often wonder, if given a chance to start over, who would I be? Knowing what I know now, would I be doing the same thing? Would I be the same person? I’m inclined to say no. I’ve heard people say they would not change a thing in their lives, it’s shaped them to be who they are today. But what if you don’t like who you are today?
As a child I saw myself as a newscaster but now as an adult, knowing everything that I know, career, family, relationships and all, I’ve made a 180 and would rather be a travel writer if given the opportunity.
It’s far from the glamour you see on Instagram and Pinterest, but I think it’s so worth it if that’s where your heart is. Not to mention I think I’d be phenomenal in that role. I love to travel, I love to write, so why not right?
Someone recently told me that it’s not too late. Well I’d have to agree and disagree with that. I implore others to never give up their dreams, but that is within reason. Life is good as is but it’s not iron clad. Whose is? If I were to give up current fulfilling career, I’d lose so many things that I hold close and cherish. I’d have a chance at my dream body of work, but at what cost?
On the other hand, no one wants to move along in life with too many “what if’s”. So what can you do? Give up, move on and appreciate what you already have? Or go after that dream? Follow it to the ends of the earth? Only you can answer that.
To combat the conflict of my inability to leave behind what I consider my dream job and my contentment with my current career path, I have mixed them together. I get to have my cake and eat it too. I choose to keep going in the direction of my current career path while adding a touch of this here writing.
This little blog here is a place of release for me. I finally have something to bridge the gap. To fill that desire to do something else. I love to travel, try new things, gain different experiences, and finally, to talk about it. I get to do that here. There is a lot to say and now, I have all of you people on the interwebs to listen to me!
Do I still want to be a newscaster as in my childhood dreams? Hmm, can’t say. I haven’t thought about that in a long time and I guess that’s just how life is. Often times you control your direction, but in other times, you move with the flow.
I must say that I love when people actually end up doing exactly what they always wanted to. It gives me some hope as corny and superficial as it may sound, that dreams really do come true.
What about you? Are you who you thought you’d be? Career and otherwise? Tell us!
Thanks for stopping by!
PS. Why Are You So Obsessed With My Weight? and Are You Giving Back?
Published: November 2, 2017 8:30 AM