Hubby and I are a couple months shy of our one year anniversary and I still tear up when looking back on our wedding day. It was so so so beautiful and exactly how we wanted it. We were at the right place, at the right time, with the right people. We couldn’t ask for much more than that.

But of course there are a few things that on looking back, I would have done differently. Nothing drastic, but a couple little things.
I’d have for sure gone a size up on my shoes and worn open toe. I was being practical and wanted something I could reasonably wear after, but in hindsight, I wish I spunked up in the shoe department a little more. I eyeballed these for a long time!

I wished I didn’t freak out about certain things. I mean it’s just a wedding!! Like how to tell my friends they weren’t invited and why. Or the moving back and forth with the wine, cheese and dessert reception idea. I had no reception in the end and it was the best decision.
I would definitely spend more time and money on my honeymoon. We originally planned to visit France and Hungary but dropped Hungary from the itinerary last minute. Major regrets!

The day flew by so quickly that I didn’t get to spend much time with those who came. I stole little bouts of time with every one but didn’t get to have much in depth conversations. And those who know me know that I love to talk!
Being abundantly clear with my hair stylist. Omg. I told her what I wanted but got something totally different. She cut my hair too short and colored it in a ghastly reddish brown, when I wanted a more grayish brown. Sigh. It was cute in the end but wow, I could have done without that drama.

But you know what I wouldn’t change? Doing my own hair and makeup. Driving together to the church which afforded us the time to share those precious moments just before the ceremony. Taking photos before the ceremony because everyone looked fresh and dandy! And helloooo! Saving money by not printing invitations or having a cake.

What about you? Would you change anything? Are you getting married? What are you nervous about?
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ 9 Ways to Survive A Long Haul Flight and 5 Things Wedding Planning Taught Me.
Published: February 1, 2018 6:00 AM