It’s my birthday month folks! I’m getting down in age and I am LOVING it. I am so grateful for yet another year of life. It is a bit nerve wrecking thinking about the future I must say. I have so many plans running in so many different directions that I find myself having to check in and prioritize quite often. Not such an easy feat I’d tell ya.
Before I get into August, let’s review how July went. The entire July post is here so I’d just skim through.
July’s Review:
- Research never ends. blogging is an ever evolving world so I doubt this will be coming off my goals list anytime soon. My camera work (still using smartphone) is improving and so is my editing skills. Work in progress.
- Social media is kicking my butt. I have a fairly good hold on Instagram, and is building a following bit by bit but Facebook and Twitter are DRAGGING. Omg! As for Pinterest, I’m still finding my way around that. Let’s see if I meet my target for this quarter. Pushing on.
- I’m a little less shy with the blog and my content production is on schedule. Much progress here.
- Exercise is still a no go, but healthier eating is making some movement. I’m realllllly trying here.
- Job hunting continues and all in all I am ever more grateful for my luxuries.
So, moving on to August….
Blogging Goals:
~ Keep at it with creating and putting out interesting and relevant content. That’s the main purpose of One Pot Living after all.
~ Continue practicing and improving on photography, editing and writing skills.
~ Accomplishing easier manipulation of social media platforms. This is HARD as the algorithms change every week or so. Fingers crossed.
~ Maintain prepared and edited content for no less than one month in advance. I must say I have a good handle on this.
~ Share a little more about the blog. Not many of my friends and family know that I have a blog due to me being a bit shy about it. I’m gonna try coming out of that shell a little more this month.
Personal Goals:
~Get on that exercise train. Gosh I am so lazy! I realllly need to get on it this month. Eating habits are getting better so I intend to keep that steady with some improvements here and there.
~ Declutter! Our home feels so heavy with all the junk we have (we don’t have that much but it feels like alot). I have way too much clothes and other junk hanging around so I started getting rid of my cosmetics and beauty stuff and I think I have a good grip on that. I haven’t bought much of anything lately so in terms of minimizing my spending, I’m proud to say I’m on top of that. The best thing about it is my lack of desire to spend money on things I don’t need. So basically I just need to get the junk I have out because as it is now, I have none coming in, which is always a plus.
~ I’m creating a home office and want to get that up and running by mid August. I would prefer to have an area which fosters productivity to do all my blog and other business related stuff. As it is, I work in an area with many distractions. As per feng shui (yes I pay attention to that stuff, only positive energies flowing) recommendations, it’s just best to have work and home life separate, even if they are in the same space. So I intend to do that.
~ Enjoy my birthday and spend time with my family. My nieces and nephews are out of school so I intend to spend some quality time with them. They are at the age where they are a bit more mature but still have that vivid imagination which makes our convos quite interesting.
~ Prepare for my tutoring which begins in September. I will be teaching adults to read and write from the beginning of the new school term so I need to jog my memory a bit. Training was way back in April. I’m a bit nervous though. Just thinking about having all eyes and ears on me is creeping me out.
~ Complete my reading challenge of at least two books per month. I joined a book club and got two interesting ones for the month of July. They are Goodbye, Vitamin: Rachel Khong and The Windfall: Diksha Basu.
So there you have it. My little achievement list for August. See you in September when we do check ins! Have a great weekend!
What are your goals for August? Did you achieve your July goals?
Thanks for stopping by!
Published: August 4, 2017 9:30 AM