
What TV Shows Are You Watching These Days?

What TV Shows Are You Watching These Days?

So, although I hardly have time for much else, I always make time for some good TV. Yeah I read and listen to podcasts but nothing beats laying and taking in some good TV shows.  

I’m just really happy that This is Us is back and I’m uber glad that they have super long seasons.  I must admit that I haven’t watched the past two episodes yet because I don’t think my emotions can handle that raw realness right now. I just love how this show talks about family, sibling rivalry, racism and everything else! Btw…did you see elderly Randall? Listen!! I peeped his Instagram but boy, I wasn’t ready.

Man I wish I had a friendship like Molly and Issa. I know it’s fictional but damn! That is some real friendship goals. I find myself constantly nodding and saying “damn right!” when HBO’s Insecure is on. These characters relate to me on so many levels. The truths they dish out about dating, infidelity, friendship and just trying to make it in this world is sometimes more than I want to see in my down time. But I can’t help it! I am so ready for Season Three. Did you catch the episodes where they addressed the gender pay gap?

It’d be remiss of me to leave out some royalty. I don’t know what it is but people just seem really fascinated with the lives of royals. We can’t help it. I mean, how can one wedding be televised and capture millions of views worldwide? April can’t come soon enough for Harry and Megan! With all that said and with all the un-relatable elements in Netflix’s The Crown, this show does an amazing job of showing us that although the Queen and her folks are royalty, they are still people. People with real issues and real troubles. Of course there’s some fiction to this to reel and keep us in, but based on what I’ve read, they have most of the details right!

Every family has secrets. Or if not secrets, things we’d rather not discuss over dinner. Be it big or small, we can’t seem to get away from that. If you want a good thriller, check out the BBC’s Retribution. It’s on Netflix now and although it’s highly binge worthy, it is exceptionally intense. So! Taking a break from time to time is advised. The twist to the end is ah! So good! It’s a short series so more than likely no Season 2.

Talking about short series, Big Little Lies was by far my favorite show for 2017. I heard it’s having a season two which I’m not too happy about. I prefer shows end on a really high note (hello Breaking Bad) than forcing us to watch its slow and unfortunate demise (Hi Big Bang Theory!). Let’s hope that doesn’t happen here! This show tells the stories of a handful of women grappling with everyday things like marriage, work life balance, childrearing, sexual assault and just about everything else woman.

What TV shows are you watching these days? I’m open to anything! Except Game of Thrones. LOL!

Thanks for stopping by!


PS ~ Book Insider ~ 5 Recent Reads and 8 Amazing Documentaries on Netflix Right Now!

Photo: Insecure  

  Comments: 8


  Comments: 8

  1. Kyla Matton Osborne

    I love This Is Us! Unfortunately, I’m way behind in watching it as we’ve only got the first season on Netflix in Canada. Can’t wait for more!

    I’ve also been watching The Crown. I enjoy the series, but I only watch a few episodes at a time. I like spacing this one out. Other shows I’m watching currently include Grey’s Anatomy and Z Nation. As you can tell, I have rather varied interests 🙂

  2. Saaaame when it comes to This is Us. I never feel emotionally prepared to watch so I’m about 6 episodes behind right now! Haha and I LOVED Big Little Lies and just hope they can make season two just as awesome! We also just started watching The Crown, and I’m liking it!

    My hubby and I love The Good Doctor and The Resident. We’re also finally finishing up Stranger Things 2! Can you tell we watch too much at one time?! Haha, I love my tv shows 🙂

  3. we are watching the Bachelor and the Amazing Race. Never watched This is Us eek!

  4. Oooo I really need to check out The Crown! I keep hearing good things about it and have been looking for a new show.

  5. This Is Us is killing me! haha but it’s such a fantastic show. I’m loving it so much. I’m also currently hooked on The Resident, The Good Doctor, and The Ranch. So many great shows right now!

  6. I’m so far behind on This is Us! I’s SUCH a good show, though. I’ve also been watching The Good Doctor, which is a really good show, too. I’ve been meaning to watch Big Little Lies, too. I’ve heard so many good things about it. On Netflix, I’m loving Riverdale, The Sinner and The End of the F***ing World. x

  7. This is Us is the first show I’ve gotten seriously hooked on since HOUSE went off the air. Oh my the writers of this show are really good aren’t they! I am also watching The Good Doctor. I wasn’t impressed at first, but it has really grown on me and I’m now hooked. Of course I have to watch the Bachelor and I’ve even started watching The Amazing Race. I love both The Crown and Victoria.
    There are really several things to watch right now and I’m loving it.
    🙂 gwingal

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