I joined the sunscreen lovers train a year or so ago and haven’t looked back since. Before that, my use of sunscreen entailed putting on a small touch of whatever (probably expired) ones I could find, when going to the beach. And that included NOT reapplying after staying in the ocean for hours on end.
I’ve prayed endlessly without avail for my father’s genes when talking skin. He started getting wrinkles in his 60s and he was a laborer most of his life. I’m talking full on sun day in day out without a trace of anything skincare. No wrinkles, no blemishes, no burns, no pimples, no nothing. HOW?! Alas, I’ve had to give up on that dream and join the rest of you gals with taking care of this skin of mine.
I’ve been trying different types of sunscreen (especially for face) and have found quite an array. Who knew the sunscreen realm was so wide? In my quest to find the right one, I’ve stumbled upon ones about face, skin, sprays, chemical, physical and the full works. For an in-dept skincare guide, take a look at this. Has everything you’d need to know about sunscreen, and more.
Australian Gold sent me a couple from their Botanical Sunscreen line to try out and I’m pretty impressed with a couple. I have high expectations when choosing the right sunscreen and that’s because I’m a brown girl with wacko crazy dry/oily/combo skin. I look for airy texture, ease to apply, non-sticky/greasy and no white/purple cast.

I’d start with my favorite, the Botanical Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF30. This (like it’s brothers and sisters) is a mineral lotion that claims to be non-greasy and antioxidant rich. It provides UVA/UVB protection and is water resistant. I’m not a fragrance person, but this was the first thing I noticed about this product. The scent is heavenly! It is soft, barely there but leaves you smelling quite whimsical. The texture of the lotion is light and airy and blends in beautifully. There is absolutely no cast and the sheen left behind is more of a healthy glow than anything (highlighter who?). It’s not sticky, doesn’t attract dust or other particles and the packaging is quite fun if you ask me! It’s been doing a great job so far and for me this is a keeper.

Next up is the Natural Spray Broad Spectrum SPF 50. Y’all, this smells even BETTER than the first one. What I love most about this one is that the spray is quite firm and steady. I mostly use spray sunscreens when I’m strapped for time with no room for applying lotions. This one dries down in great time and also leaves a nice glisten to the skin. Great for pool day! My only gripe is that the spray isn’t as airy as I’d like, so the stream doesn’t go very far, but that requirement is way way down on the totem pole. There’s a twist top that opens and locks easily so it’s pretty travel friendly.

My least favorite, but still a great product, I’d have to say is the Sunscreen Face (Tinted) Broad Spectrum SPF 50. It’s travel friendly, does an amazing job of actual sunscreening and yes, like the rest, has functional and easy on the eye packaging. Why it’s not my top product is because it’s a bit tough to apply without having a cast left behind. It takes a long time to rub in and blend in with my skin. Time that I don’t have on mornings. Which is when I usually apply sunscreen to my face. It sits well under makeup and doesn’t shift around, but feels a tad bit heavy.
The tint is a great feature but would work much better if it blended in better. I’d say if you’re wearing little makeup, this is perfect as it covers the cast. But if you’re putting on a full face with foundation and concealer and the works, maybe not as it may feel a bit too heavy. I wouldn’t recommend if you’re wearing a bare face unless you have some time to blend away the cast.
All in all, I love these sunscreens. They’ll be on rotation for sure and I’d highly recommend them.
Like with anything skin and beauty, we all have different tastes and priorities so it’s always best to try them out yourself and see what fits you best.

What are your favorite sunscreens? How do you know they’re your favorite?
….thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ 6 Ways to Maintain Radiant, Youthful Skin and 7 Fun (and cheap) Things to do with Friends .
Published: August 20, 2018 5:30 AM