
Minimal Living – Creating a Minimal Living Space

Minimal Living - Creating a Minimal Living Space

Tip #2 – Living spaces

Being totally honest here, my home is not 100% minimalist. I yearn for a minimal living space and is working toward that but as of right now? It’s a constant battle for want of a better word. And you know what? I think somehow, it will always be. I see minimal living as something that will change as time goes on and as I keep saying, it’s highly personal. My minimal is not your minimal. Some people need only the barest necessities to live happily. Me? I need a little bit more. Remember there is minimalism and minimal aesthetic. They’re very different and should not be mistaken for each other. You can be both of course, or one or the other. I’m still trying to get the hang of it. 

As I gain more assets (yes you can tell I’m getting old, lol), I’m realizing more and more that having lots of things don’t equate to happiness or contentment. I own more things, more valuable things than ever before but some of the internal struggles, that I thought acquiring these things would address, are still here.

You know people say all the time that money and things can’t buy happiness? Well I never believed that and I kind of still don’t totally, but I see where they’re coming from. It’s like the more you have, the less content you become. Me for example. I have the house, but now I need to decorate and spruce it up. So I make a base list of very important items. And I’ve gotten those. But now, I have a secondary list, of very important things. And when you think about it, they’re not important at all. I have everything and more that I had in my old apartment and I needed nothing else.

So you see? Creating and maintaining a minimal living space will continue to be a work in progress as I manage my way through life. Living in an uncluttered space with only things you truly love has boundless benefits. It’s lighter, more appealing, less claustrophobic and requires less cleaning! But anyway, lets get into how I go about maintaining my minimal living space and how you can too.

1| Minimal furniture/appliances and clear surfaces – Here I mean both owning and displaying. I own quite a bit of small appliances but they’re not out for display. My kitchen counters and most of my surfaces are bare. It’s easier to keep clean and it reduces the clutter. I know these things when color coordinated and themed look quite catchy, but it’s pretty easy to just reach in the cupboard and get them out when needed. Leaving empty space is a must for that fairy and spacious feel. And it makes me wonder, do we really need to fill our wall space with all that stuff? Meh. Don’t think so.

2| Little but effective decor – I hate trendy decor…hint hint rose gold or brass anything. I prefer more classic items as you know, they won’t go out of style or season and I don’t need to change my decor very often, if ever at all. Tastes do change as we change and that’s fine but investing in classic, quality pieces (and again quality is very subjective and that’s how is it should be) is a good move.

3| Solid colors – I love a home with a bright accent wall but my favorite is just plain white walls throughout. I know I know, it’s a bit boring but I mean it’ll go with anything! White is classic minimalist and who knew there were so many versions of white? Earth tones are really easy on the eyes as well.

4| Hide the junk – and finally storage. How many of us have no where to put that Christmas Tree when January comes around? Or all the garden equipment? Or the wedding dress? I think everyone has a storage problem and to deal with it, I put things out of sight. Because I have little clothes, I use most of my closet space as storage to keep those not so pleasant things. Things strewn and jammed in every corner creates such an eyesore and most times I can’t take it!

I find a place for everything and I stick to it. If you don’t have the space, you just don’t have the space. But if you do, find a place for everything and remember where it goes. Every time you use it, put it back right there. And if you’re not using it, get rid of it. Some people even rent storage space (not me as I don’t have nearly enough stuff) so that’s always an option as well. Anything to keep your space clean, airy, positively energized and beautiful.

Do you have any tips? How do you maintain a minimal living space?

Thanks for stopping by!

PS ~ More on minimal living.

  Comments: 5

5 responses to “Minimal Living – Creating a Minimal Living Space”

  1. Audrey Lee says:

    Just the article I need since I’m planning on moving to a new location with a new house!

  2. Julie says:

    I, too, strive for this but can’t bear to part with lots of my clutter….

  3. Jessica says:

    Minimalist living is such a dream! It would be so soothing for me lol. You = goals

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