Well folks, September is here! Which means its almost halloween which means it’s almost Christmas! I’m sooooo looking forward to it. I’m planning to host a fancy Boxing Day family bash. Y’know, building memories and such. I’m not the entertaining type so let’s see how this goes. In the mean time, here are 10 things I’m loving!
1| Trying cleansing balm for the first time to ease up on using cleansing wipes. I prefer them now because they’re less wasteful and doesn’t have a ton of alcohol in them. This one is pretty awesome! Do you have any favorites?
2| Did I tell you folks we bought a house?! Well, we did! And it’s one of the best feelings in the world!
3| I’ve found two wonderful shops that make the most beautiful concrete planters. If money wasn’t a factor, I’d buy everything they have! I get my pots with clean lines from these folks and my geometrics here!
4| For the best DIYs!
5| Do you know that there’s a service out there for plant restoration? I’m now heavily into plants and I stumbled across them. I’ve gotten quite a bit of advice so far for my new plant babies.
6| Guess who’s going back to Jamaica in November? Can’t wait!
7| Hello Ozark season two!
8| Past few months have been both up and down, but one of the way ups was me being featured in an article talking all about sunscreen. Happy much?
9| I’m really late on the e-reader train but I’ve joined a bookclub and will be up on tons of books pretty soon. Problem is I have no where to store them just yet. So I’m looking at the Kindle Paperwhite. Do you have any recommendations?
10| I’m looking at home decor more than clothes these days and this Instagram account is giving me all the feels!
So that’s 10 things I’m loving. What are you into these days?
Thanks for stopping by!
PS ~ More things I love.
Published: September 3, 2018 5:30 AM