On Moving House

Curtains: Walmart, Plant pot: Very Verde, Table: vintage, Buddha: bought in Canada years ago, Google Home

So we’re moving house! And the best part? This time it’s into our own! Ah the jubilation…and the trepidation. They come hand in hand in this case.

We’ve both been renting together and apart for a little under 10 years now and I guess there comes a time, when you’re just done with answering to a land lord. Technically we still are because ahem, bank and mortgage, but yeah, now we don’t need permission to paint the damn wall or drill some freaking holes.

We’re still in the process of the actual moving house part. Even though we are fully into our new space, there is still the unpacking and installations and yada yada to get done.

Moving house comes like second nature to me because we moved around quite a bit as a child, and since leaving home, I’ve moved five times, not counting this one. So y’know, coordinating comes as a breeze for me. Or so I thought.

I totally underestimated the effort it would take to move into our new home. We’re used to moving into apartments that are 100% move-in ready. With everything already hooked up and so on and so on. Not the case this time. It took (and is still taking) lots of phone calls and appointments and unpacking and just, confusion overall.

Buying a home was always an in and out goal of mine. Some times I focused on a free life, not rooted in one place and not feeling bogged down by a massive loan. Other times, I thought it’d be nice to have a home base, and some thing to leave for generations to come. Then I met Sean and life just happened this way. Well, not totally if I were to be honest. We saved intensely and worked damn hard to get this.

Buying a house is only a dream to many and only during the buying process (details on that to come later) did I understand why. Not only is it stupidly expensive, it’s also very stressful. Working out a budget, house hunting (and getting disappointed every time we viewed a home), staying within budget, getting approvals and the whole nine yards, were a real chore.

We had a really bomb real estate agent though, and a super bomb bank rep that gave accurate timelines and was a treat to work with where negotiating was concerned. And boy did we do A LOT of negotiating.

I’d focus on the positives at this time because by far they are leading in the race. We love our new house, we love the adventure and we love all that we’re about to learn by being first time home owners.

Best of all though is that today is my birthday! What a gift. Life, health, strength and a couple luxuries to make it all even sweeter.

My aim was to be a home owner at 35. I beat that by a year so there’s one proud woman sitting over here.

And in true Buddhist fashion, I’ll be soaking in this happiness and accepting it for what it is without attachments. Because as my mom always says, after one time is a next.

Are you a home owner that wanna share some advice? We’d love that!

Thanks for stopping by!

PS ~ How I Save Money and Live My Best Life and How to Create Good Vibes at Home.